1st Global COE International Symposium
--Electronic Devices Innovation --

January 21-22, 2008
Icho Kaikan, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan

Sponsored by the Global COE Program "Center for Electronic Devices Innovation"
Cosponsored by
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Quantum Nano IT Initiative
Electronics Collaboration Initiative "Leptos"
Leading-edge System Design Center

The global COE program "Center for Electronic Devices Innovation" has just started in Osaka University. We invite you to attend the first International Symposium of the COE program in January. The symposium will focus on the research challenges for future electronic devices and provide an opportunity for scientists and engineers working in various fields of electronic devices. You are cordially invited to participate in the symposium.

E-mail: conf@gcoe.eei.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
URL : http://www.eei.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp/gcoe/edis/
Tel : +81-6-6876-4711
Fax : +81-6-6876-4713
the Global COE Program
"Center for Electronic Devices Innovation" web site
GCOE CEDI Osaka Univ.