Workshop1 Program (Nov.30 - Dec. 3, 2009)
The International Workshop on Terahertz Technology 2009 (TeraTech ’09)
November 30
- 16:00
- Registration
- 17:00-19:00
- Reception & Exhibition
December 1
- 9:00
- Opening
Plenary and Invited Talks
- (lunch)
- Invited Talks
THz applications
- Invited Talks
THz key compnents and systems
- Posters & Exhibition
December 2
- 9:00-
- Invited Talks
THz source & applications
- (lunch)
- Posters & Exhibition
- Invited Talks
Material Science THz Electronics and ITC (Parallel Session)
- Banquet
December 3
- 9:00-
- Invited Talks
Metamaterials THz applications
- (lunch)
- Industrial Sessio
- 16:00
- Closing
Plenary Talk: |
Keynotes: |
Invited talks: |
Industrial Session: |
* More informations are available at the workshop web site
Important Dates
- Deadline for Abstract Submission
- August 7, 2009
- Notification of Acceptance
- September 7, 2009
- Deadline for Extended Abstracts
- October 15, 2009
- Deadline for early Registration
- October 15, 2009
The Conference will be held at Nakanoshima Center, which locates near City Center. The location and transportation to Nakanoshima Center can be found at the web site. Osaka is located roughly at the center of Japan. It is one of the core areas of the Kansai region, which is also home to Kyoto and Nara, as well as the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage cities.
Nakanoshima Center
Address: 4-3-53 Nakanoshima Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0005
Tel: 06-6444-2100
MAP (PDF/1.53MB)